![]() Getting some amazing feedback about the book. I've tried to summarise a few here, but if I've missed you and you'd like to see yourself on the blog, just contact me through my contact me page and I'll make sure I put you on. TEXT: Lydia is really enjoying your book - she says is is fantastic and read aloud to us on a car journey yesterday. FACEBOOK: When's the next book out? I have an impatient 9 year-old here! SHOUTED ACROSS STREET: Your book is awesome! FACEBOOK: Tell everyone about your fabulous book! MESSENGER: Your book is amazing. FACEBOOK: You have a fab book - be proud. CHATTING ON STREET: I've almost finished your book, I'm on the last bit, so I've got to go. TAG IN BOOKSHOP: Debut from local author. Cracking Read! AT THE SWIMMING POOL: Your book is so good. I loved it. It was awesome (a short pause). When's the next one out? FACEBOOK: Charlie downloaded your book yesterday and finished it about an hour ago. He gave it 5 stars. He genuinely loved it, has been recommending it to his class mates and asked when the next one is out. AT SCHOOL (ONE OF THE TEACHERS): I started reading Jarred Dreams last night. Brilliant! Couldn't put it down. FACEBOOK: What a great book. It only arrived yesterday and I'm on Chapter 3 already. TAP ON THE SHOULDER: Your book is brilliant (big grin from a Y6er) ON HARPENDEN PARENTS NETWORK: My daughter bought a copy at the Spring Fair on Leyton Green. She has read it three times so far cos she loves it. FACEBOOK: Oscar devoured this book. A great read for ages 9+ (and their parents!) AT A PARTY: I downloaded your book, it was good. Very different and unusual, I really enjoyed it. ON STREETLIFE FORUM: I can thoroughly recommend this book. My eight-year-old daughter read it twice in one evening and was absolutely gripped by it and can't wait for Camilla's next book! HEAD AT A SCHOOL FETE: I thought your book was very well written. FROM A BEDROOM WINDOW (my personal favourite comment): I like your book, it's full of suspension. That's enough showing off for one day!
Now then....
I keep meaning to share all the TOP QUALITY comments I am getting about Jarred Dreams. Things that are said to me in person, or texted to me, or posted on Facebook. Before I do, I have to tell you this Classic Camilla Clanger. A boy in maybe Y5 comes up to me: HIM: Camilla...? ME: Yes HIM: I'm liking your book ME: Thanks! Where are you up to? HIM: Um, well just started it and.... but you know it was written to Ross and Kylie? ME: Oh yes...? HIM: Well it is Ross and Kyle ME: Oh No! I'm so sorry HIM: (laughing) It's all right. He walks off laughing, leaving me mortified. I can only guess he's Ross, not Kyle. What a mistake to make. If you're reading this Kyle please believe me that I am really very sorry (head in hands). Next post for comments, I promise. Thank you to everyone who came to visit me on my stall with Fran from Creation Station today at Larks in the Park, Batford Springs, Harpenden. We were lucky with the weather and it was a great turn out. I managed to catch up with a few familiar faces from the past which was wonderful.
I will be at The Festival on the Field, SJL School, Harpenden on Saturday. You can also catch me as part of the St Albans Literary Festival on Sunday 10 July at 11.30 at the Oxfam Bookshop in St Albans. The event is free but you will need to book a ticket to come: St Albans Literary Festival 2016 Be great to see you there! If you missed it, you can listen again: go to radioverulam.com , then Listen Again , then click on Local Life (eg Thursday) and then click on Listen again - then select the day you want (for me that is today)
I think it is up for a week. I am on again at the same time (12.20) on 30/6/16 I thought it would be really weird listening to myself, but I sounded okay. It does show that I read too fast though, so I'll be throwing in a few dramatic pauses from now on! For regular blog readers you'll know how much I love getting an order from the website.
My favourites are presents for children who have no idea about the book. How ace is it getting something through the post? Seeing your name on a real package that comes through the door? Especially when you don't remember ordering anything, or aren't expecting anything. Imagine then when it's a book which has been written out to you by the author as a surprise. What a great feeling! Maddie, that's hopefully what has happened to you, as your book has been posted out today. Who ordered it for you? Maybe they have told you, maybe they haven't, but it is someone who cares about you enough to know that Jarred Dreams is something you will enjoy. I hope they're right! It would be lovely to hear from you once you've read it - you can do that through my contact page or by commenting on this blog post. Happy reading! I've moved on to a new book.
I very rarely read biographies or autobiographies, but this is a must read for all: I am Malala but Malala Yousafiza. If you don't recognise the name - this is the young Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for being outspoken on her views to do with education for girls. Remember her now? Then read the book! I'll be at The Grove School, Harpenden, Fete this Saturday.
It runs from 4-8pm but I will only be there until 6.30pm because I am far to busy and important to stay until the end. (The truth is I'm off to a party) I'll be running a FREE prize draw so come along to see if you can win a signed copy of Jarred Dreams. I'll be sharing a stand with Creation Station again. You can also listen to an interview with me on Radio Verulam (92.6 FM) on Thursday 23 June around 12.15 (ish). If you miss it, you'll have the chance to listen again for a week until the catch up changes. There are a couple of other things coming up too, Crabtree School, Harpenden fete on Saturday 25th June 11-2pm, on the book stall and Larks in the Parks, Batford Springs, Harpenden on Sunday 26th June 12-5pm. Keep up everyone! It was the Harpenden Carnival this weekend and I was sharing a stand with my friend Fran who runs Creation Station in the area. I was feeling pretty fed up as I'd been there since 11am, my gorgeous banner had been ruined in the rain and I'd only sold 6 books. I was thinking about throwing in the towel and then I was visited by a boy in Y8 who made a beeline to talk to me. HIM (picking up a copy of Jarred Dreams): Cool! What's it about? ME: Ah thanks! It's about a ghoul who steals children's dreams and stores them in jars in his cellar. A girl comes to live opposite him and he can't steal her dream. The book is the battle between them. HIM: That sounds awesome! How much is it? ME: It's £6.99 HIM: Hang on. (goes off to make a call on his phone. Comes back shortly after) Yeah, Mum says I can spend a bit more because it's a book. ME: Excellent! I'll sign it for you. So, that made me smile then this morning I got this email from a librarian from a local secondary school who I've been in contact with to try and arrange a school visit: Morning Camilla, Just wanted to let you know that one of my Year 8 students came dashing up to the desk this morning with a copy of your book, hugely excited that he'd met you and you'd signed it! He's been recommending it to all our early morning readers. Sounds like it was a very successful event! Best wishes Worth it, worth it, worth it, worth it! Forgot to mention....Stanley, my dog, did pretty well in the dog show that day. If you want to read about his adventures click here: The Stanley Diaries On Tuesday this week I did an author visit to the biggest junior school EVER. I spoke to around three hundred kids. It was brilliant. What a great school! The children asked loads of questions and were really engaged and enthusiastic.
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